
Thursday, September 09, 2010

browser url checking for certificate


The HTTPS URL integrity check is specified by RFC 2818, published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2818.txt.

Using the subject DN’s Common Name for the certificate identity has the disadvantage that only one host name can be specified at a time. If you deploy a certificate on a multi-homed host, however, you might find it is practical to allow the certificate to be used with any of the multi-homed host names. In this case, it is necessary to define a certificate with multiple, alternative identities, and this is only possible using the subjectAltName certificate extension.

For example, if you have a multi-homed host that supports connections to either of the following host names:


Then you can define a subjectAltName that explicitly lists both of these DNS host names. If you generate your certificates using the openssl utility, edit the relevant line of your openssl.cnf configuration file to specify the value of the subjectAltName extension, as follows:


Where the HTTPS protocol matches the server host name against either of the DNS host names listed in the subjectAltName (the subjectAltName takes precedence over the Common Name).

The HTTPS protocol also supports the wildcard character, *, in host names. For example, you can define the subjectAltName as follows:


This certificate identity matches any three-component host name in the domain progress.com. For example, the wildcarded host name matches either www.progress.com or fusesource.com, but does not match www.fusesource.com.